Free Writing Exploration Clinic Program
MangoSTEEMS Indonesia is launching a Free Writing Exploration Clinic Program to promote writing across Indonesia! Whether you are already using our product or not, your school is invited to participate and earn PRIZES! It is FREE to join. International and bilingual school students from Grade 7 to Grade 12 are welcome to take part in this exciting writing exploration clinic, where prizes will be awarded to the Top School and Top Writers from the Top School.
The benefits of participating in this free program:
- Participating teacher gets a picture of his/her students’ basic writing skills and will be able to identify any students’ writing progress within the program period.
- Participating students know their strengths, weaknesses, and area for improvement in writing.
- Participating school gets to know what to do to strengthen students’ writing skills and prepare them for their future academic and career.
This Program is limited to only 5 school participants that really support students’ writing improvement, on first come first serve basis, with a teacher at helm and maximally 30 student participants to represent the school. All teacher has to do is assigning minimally 4 writing prompts and motivating his/her students to complete all the given writing assignments and make revisions. The more writing assignments given with completion, the more teacher can identify his/her students’ writing progress.
All writing tools and guidance are available for free in My Access. Students’ writing feedback will automatically be provided by MyAccess and their writing progress can be viewed in the Report tab on the teacher portal. Teacher can customize the report period from the starting participation period to check how good or struggling your students in doing their writing assignments within the writing program period.
Writing Experience Clinic Program Period

1 Top School
“Top School Supporting Students’ Writing”

- Gift voucher/e-voucher valued IDR500,000
- Merchandise
- E-certificate
- Gift voucher/e-voucher valued IDR350,000
- Merchandise
- E-certificate
- Gift voucher/e-voucher valued IDR250,000
- Merchandise
- E-certificate
- E-cash valued IDR100,000 each
- Merchandise
- E-certificate
Find out where Top Writers can enjoy the prizes with gift vouchers/e-vouchers HERE.
From My Access Professional Development Team, UK. The award assessment will be based on:
- Minimally 4 writing prompts assigned to participating students.
- Students complete all assignments.
- Students make revisions.
- Overall presentation of students’ writing.
- Students’ progress report.
- Program period is 30 days (PIC teacher will be informed starting and ending date).
- Writing completion after the program ends will not be included in the assessment.
- Writing must be done on each participating student’s My Access portal.
- Writing must be the original work of the student. Plagiarism is not allowed.
- In case of any dispute, the decision of mangoSTEEMS ID and My Access shall remain final.
- Click HERE to register your school today (free of charge)! Hurry though, as the participants are limited to only 5 schools to get the program benefits, based on first come first serve.
- Download Student Participants List Form HERE and complete the form. The completed form should be emailed to fanny@mangosteems.com.
- Get the tutorial guide for teachers and students HERE.
- If you are NEW to MyAccess, MangoSTEEMS Indonesia will get you started by providing a free online training to your teachers with trial accounts for the entire duration of the competition. Please contact us at 087877012828 for a short training schedule.
*Please do not register yourself as a teacher or student. Your school registration is sufficient.

For more information, please contact:
Fanny Oswan, Product Manager
+62 87877012828